Tree Crops Development Authority
About The Project
Tree Crops Development Authority (TCDA) is mandated by an Act of Parliament (TCDA Act 1010, 2019) as a corporate body with perpetual succession to regulate and develop in a sustainable environment; producon, processing, and trading of six Tree Crops namely, Cashew, Shea, Mango, Coconut, Rubber, and Oil palm in Ghana. This e-digital solution will be an important revenue mobilizaon and decision support tool for TCDA, including supporng decisions on what crops to grow (where, when) and acvies or acons to embark on the growing and or harvesng seasons of the crops.
As part of this mandate TCDA in collaboraon with SKT Aeroshuer has developed an e-digital soluon to register and mobilize revenue for the sector. Informaon obtained from the database will form the basis for evidence-based policy framework seng and providing the relevant informaon to offer tailor-made services and soluons for the enre tree crop value chain. This user friendly and interacve platform will also help the TCDA know which of their members have paid their contribuons, how much and where they are located. In this research, literature review will be performed by reviewing exisng documentaon to idenfy key value chain actors and their acvies, as well as other stakeholders across the six TCDA value chains based on available data. The establishment of the TCDA was part of GoG's effort to develop the tree crop sector and to promote rural economic growth and improve household incomes of farming families through the provision of cerfied improved seedlings, extension services, business support and regulatory mechanisms.